2306152 Existence Is

A yearlong blog experiment...


Monday November 12th 2012, 2:26 am

Dullness. Drab. Relatively unexciting. Just another ordinary day, ordinary Sunday. Full of work, solving drawing mechanics problems. Full of little adjustments, tweaks to probably relatively unimportant details. But I can’t help myself. Sometimes I just can’t stop from applying just a little more. But beyond this, its a drab mundane day, just nothing itching to be said or discussed or analyzed. Days like these almost feel like they just shouldn’t be, but I guess life becomes this most of the time as routines take over, blending time.

Not Much Of Anything
November 11th 2012


Sunday November 11th 2012, 2:59 am

Late night crisp and nip. An icy edge. It tingles. A coolness. A slight sweetness that defies it’s chilled flood. It spreads onto the bristly surface like a thick glide of a paint daub gently squeezed to a release. Pearled white and softly gleaming, suitably symbolizing the effect its meant to have. Time can be marked by its application. A second’s precursor to the simplicity of a mundane action that resets the day to day into refreshened sighs, sharply stating a revolving routine.

Calling Rembrandt A Toothpaste
November 10th 2012


Saturday November 10th 2012, 1:23 am

Olfactory sensory distortions in hyperdrive. The very atmosphere encroaches around me, feels like its a threat, yet all is clear and clean. I’ve been in this bout for at least five days now. I feel like the air itself is toxic, I rationally know this isn’t the case, but the sensation of unnatural fumes permeates. For the past few years I’ve been experiencing a very strange disorder. Every now and then for no apparent reason that I would know, all I can smell is exhaust fumes, like when sitting behind an old bus stuck in traffic. That icky sensory overload and gut reaction that invisible vile substances are looking to penetrate lungs and choke you out. There is no relief from it and its highly disturbing. When it occurs, I live with it 24/7. The toughest part is that my body is fooled by this sensation and I feel a bit sick, and my lungs want to reject breathing, like my body feels like I’m literally only breathing toxicity. The first few days are the worst, until I get used the sensation, then I can breathe easier. But the smell is constant, there is no subsiding, all I can do is wait it out until the episode ends as mysteriously as it begins. I’ve had this occur in length of at least two weeks or longer an episode. I’ve been meaning to see a neurologist, but haven’t had the time to deal with multiple doctor visits and tests. But once I get the last issue of this current story done, I’ll have the opportunity to take a break and begin the investigation of this problem. Smelling constant exhaust is surprisingly exhausting.

Fume Factory
November 9th 2012


Friday November 09th 2012, 2:20 am

Swirled thick warm tannish beige, and smooth as silk. A richness that soothes while elevating endorphins to bring about a moment of mindless satisfaction. So enticingly full of compelled indulgence it doesn’t matter that the weather has chilled. Amping the blood from a mix of brewed love and streaks of melty cocoa while biting into crunching robust nutty coolness.

Mocha Almond Fudge Ice Cream From 31 Flavors
November 8th 2012


Wednesday November 07th 2012, 10:49 pm

The election happily over, and now having time to reflect on the classroom setting I was involved in this last Monday, I put some thought into the experience of being directly confronted by analytical explorations of my work on Batwoman. The class is being taught by my good friend John Bultena, I found it all equal parts exhilarating and daunting. It was also a bit unnerving, standing in front of a group of highly intelligent students and try to hold my own with any of the thoughts they may have incurred from the task of breaking down the content of the work into scrutinized aspects. But it was a grand learning event, seeing the work through eager eyes and, hearing through their questions, just how the work and notions and subtext inherent in the material can be perceived. In that the positive messages we’re trying to send through evolution of the story and character are being absorbed in mostly the manner we’ve intended. Thats the thing with doing this work, especially due to always trying to explore the experimental side of creativity, is wondering if the overall results of said experiments are functioning well enough to enhance the work. And that this mode of thinking propels the meanings behind the story and images in exciting thoughtful ways. It was also fascinating for me getting into the perspective and analytical debates the material fundamentally brings up, put forth from nonobjective research and desire. It all developed into meta-textual conversations about cultural and modern societal expectations, about the world we live in. I relished this, as all good comics and works of fiction should do this, should provoke discussions and thoughts of the reality we live in ourselves. To not only entertain but to educate or comment on deeper rooted ideas or concepts, through subtext that sits within layers below the surface content.

In Class (Wearing My Fancy Shoes)
November 7th 2012


Wednesday November 07th 2012, 12:33 am

Patiently working today, but not patient over the work itself, but rather over waiting to see today’s election results stroll in as I toiled away. It can be a bit tedious to watch events like these, but there is no other choice but to go along with the process. Now the day is done, the choice has been made. With a deep sigh we sit down calmly, abiding an overwhelming sense of relief. Thats the best word for what we feel right now, relief it is indeed. And a small inner rejoicing spark in that we can soundly look toward a future of higher promise, that the moment gained over this last four years, although excruciatingly slow, it has been in the best direction for that future. So now I think I’ll have myself a very simple celebration, heat up a pumpkin spice muffin, kick my feet up and glow for awhile.

The Best Man Won
November 6th 2012


Tuesday November 06th 2012, 1:50 am

A night spent over analytical debates on my very own work for a group of very enthusiastic students, a bit daunting. But I need time to process before I have anything more to say about it, so maybe tomorrow or the day after. So for now, I want to convey just how important a time we are in, as we decide just where our nation will be going into the future. This is not a subject to be frivolous over, we are at a fundamental crossroads, dare I say even a metaphysical one, and Wendy and I have already cast our votes. I believe in the progress the country has had over the last four years. Sure its been tough going, a slow progression, but moving in forward motion to a positive better ideal. The Romney camp I feel would only take us backwards, and I can’t justify the blatant dishonesty that persists from every aspect of his campaign and rhetoric, its absurd and surreal to me. But regardless of my views, to which I’m obviously not going to go into great detail here, make your voice heard if you haven’t already, step up and play your part…

Go Vote!
November 5th 2012


Monday November 05th 2012, 2:01 am

There is something that happens to me whenever I look at it. Something almost unexplainable, intangible. There is an evocative commanding demanding power in every supple bold curve, in every beckoning blackness of shape, every vivid movement, so full of vitality and vibrancy. It is evocative, enamoring, mesmerizing. I find myself lost in it, entranced along the flowing appeal of it. Intoxicating and addicting, always leaving a craving to witness more. Immediately gripping and imaginative, immediately enthralling the mind into dreams of the fantastic. It begs for me to believe in worlds brighter shinier than the paltry one we live in.

The Art Of Jack Kirby
November 4th 2012


Sunday November 04th 2012, 12:13 am

Cool and smooth in my hands, slightly weighty but held with delicacy. A knock and tap and then a crackling as I roll them along the kitchen countertop. I begin picking at the exteriors, but something isn’t quite right. Its sticking obstinately and so I have to dig in a little, meticulously chipping away. Only small flecks come off at a time. Annoyance over sharp pointed pokes and prods that painfully jab at the skin beneath my fingernails from jagged angular crunched edges, threatening to puncture. My brow furrows pathetically, tedium, something that should only be a minute turns into several, patience over just wanting to make my dinner salad. Ridiculous to feel this way considering others on the other side of the country would just like to have their homes back…

Troubled Hardboiled Eggs
November 3rd 2012


Saturday November 03rd 2012, 1:08 am

Every now and then I experience what I best can describe as an artistic memory failure. Having to be creative every day produces some interesting brain problems I feel. And one of them is frustrating as much as it is fascinating. And I don’t know if other artists who need to create every day have this occur. But occasionally I forget how to draw something, and not on something technical or complicated, or something only drawn once in a while, but rather on something I normally would draw on a regular basis. On certain facial positions or lighting effects on a person, or hands, or other things that I have to do daily. Sometimes my brain just refuses to engage properly enough to handle these ordinary things, and I have to force it out of me, which can be exhausting. Not quite sure what causes it, but it does add to difficulties of the tasks when it does, it can make the whole process of the day a fight. I wonder if its attributed to having to draw all of the time with little to no breaks, when sometimes the creative flow just isn’t there, the mind’s way of trying to cope with a certain kind of energy output that is demanded when that mode of thinking is on low ebb.

Brain Stalls
November 2nd 2012


Thursday November 01st 2012, 10:14 pm

Ping! A bell metaphorically rings boldly. Electrical pulse picking up in rhythm, firing in quick succession. Like little inner voices chattering away, fast becoming a cacophony of visions loaded with content. Downloading from Ideaspace shifts into overdrive so fast that it is almost impossible to keep the narrative in order. There is nothing like the sensation of a new concept popping into existence inside my head. Especially one that will fundamentally alter the ending of a story, that leads to a new beginning of where its all going to go in the future. Its discovering that parts of the story that had already been written really now being understood that you were writing about something else all along, but just now the characters have told you so.

November 1st 2012


Thursday November 01st 2012, 12:53 am

Yeah, you know all that stuff I said yesterday? Now imagine all that finally happening today…but with pizza.

Happy Halloweenie!
October 31st 2012


Tuesday October 30th 2012, 8:53 pm

The deep set ghoulish maniacal eyes don’t yet roll and glow. No wicked cackling drifting through the cobwebs. Those strung up fragile bones don’t rattle, not yet. The top hatted wizard with his long frazzled straggly soiled white beard and creviced visage has yet to leer, oh but he will. That flashing white blinding bright will soon shine and glare. The blackest light of insidious purples has yet to cast across the winged demon’s stare, but it will. That foggy mist of dread shall rise into the dark, ghastly feeding into the pathways of uncertainty. But not yet… Soon the little screams and whimpers and scuffling feet will meet the eve, but not this eve, tonight is all giddily quiet, eager with the anticipation of nightmares in trade for sweets.

The Eve Before All Hallows Eve
October 30th 2012


Tuesday October 30th 2012, 1:15 am

Decorated porcelain edged in twisting earthy vines, hues of blue and green leaves, all rimming a wide circumference, deep as you can imagine if you were but a tiny speck of dust. Below the lip piles and pillows triangular in their shapes nestle together, each trimmed with little serrations giving a sense of picturesque delicacy. Rolling down the inviting slopes slides and glides the red sauciness, so aromatically savored. Scraping along the softness, just squishy enough to easily allow the pronged stainless steal to puncture through with verve, then cut and slice to reveal tender warm richness inside. Sitting alongside, like compatriots eager to serve their turn, a vitality of a plated balance waits as tall giant spears of green, roasted and basted.

Whats For Dinner? Ravioli And Asparagus.
October 29th 2012


Sunday October 28th 2012, 8:33 pm

Feels like Sunday. I mean to say that some days feel like the day that they are, which I find peculiar, as if ebb and flow of energies is virtually cyclical by the calendar. At least thats how it seems to me, how I experience the week. I always am the most groggy on Sundays, an overwhelming grog actually. Just lethargic, and never a good thing when having to work through weekends, feeling this way. I just want to shut my eyes and the world away, cover up and sleep until the next day. But when there is no time for rest, even when feeling the typical groggy Sunday sleepiness, I just have to buck up and tough my way through it.

Slog Through The Grog
October 28th 2012


Sunday October 28th 2012, 1:01 am

Chugging electric power oozing into the atmosphere of our little party, shaking to the core. Melodies at once heavy and sonic, and yet with an ease that coerces rather than bullies you to follow along. Each segment its own but when all are combined work as a whole enigmatic blend of metaphoric stories and meaning that can relate thematically. Powerful movements of sound and churning voices that get you to stand up, raise your fists into the air, and rock the fuck out!

The Glories That Are The Sword’s Apocryphon
October 27th 2012


Friday October 26th 2012, 7:57 pm

They’re here already, much sooner than I’m mentally prepared for. Choices. So much glamor, atmosphere, and revelry to pick from. There are so many really great images, so I’m going to have a really tough time making decisions. I’m terrible at them for the most part. But ultimately I couldn’t happier with the task at hand, considering they’re a document of such a perfect happy day from last weekend for us. Everything looks spectacular. Everyone looks so incredibly happy. And my wife has never looked more amazing. So many good choices.

Wedding Photos
October 26th 2012


Friday October 26th 2012, 1:46 am

Kinda sick of things running on last minute weakening steam. While away for our anniversary trip, we get an email asking for last minute fixes for stuff on the very next issue to arrive in the shops. I don’t mind the changes per se, even if I think they’re a bit ludicrous, it has more to do with that every time something is being asked for its always at the last minute. We have to drop whatever it is we’re doing to handle it, when in most cases its stuff that could’ve been dealt with weeks ago. What is annoying about it is this way of handling business causes work flow problems, interference of time, which in turn cause us to lose valuable lead time before publication, when the problems could be solved more effectively by a more proactive stance early in the process. And what makes it even more troubling is when I’m on personal time with my wife on an very important occasion to get one of these types of emails with requests, when all knew I was away for this very important personal time, when all involved could’ve addressed this weeks ago. So I inevitably end up having to worry or think about the problems when I shouldn’t have had to during time with family and friends. It made me a bit angry, because this was our important time, not the company’s. But now that we’re home, and the fixes have been made, I’d like to see what I can do to alter this modus operandi, because its getting quite old.

A Griping Blog
October 25th 2012


Wednesday October 24th 2012, 7:42 pm

Biscuits and gravy to warm our tummies as we watch a sky gloom saying goodbye to sunny
Sleet, ice and fluffy flecks and specks dance
Sheets of slush, slip and sliding as the drive takes chance
The glory tops reveal the first of winter, hearts sing, bring joy of a world of white
Frost covered pines and boulders like the icing gleaming off a cake
Mist air, tall snowy drifts along the twisting road shoulders, we leave only happiness in our wake

Cold Mountain Drive
October 24th 2012


Tuesday October 23rd 2012, 7:05 pm

Trees made of cracking fire reds, easing oranges, and pop yellows, all set against mysterious deep greens cascading along blankets of freshly layered snow drifts. More twisting roads weaving around mountain tops. We stop for a coffee break at this sleepy lake shore town, population of maybe 200. We step into a surreal land of bright flashing lights, bells, pings, and whistles of a casino better suited to be in a David Lynch film. So peculiar to find this in the middle of nowhere in the snowy hills of the Sierras. Even the people seemed at odds with reality, as if we’ve literally entered a parallel dimension of rural America. Wish we could stay here for awhile documenting the atmosphere in thorough detail. But we have to move on down the road, and then finally come to our rest stop for the night. We go for a walk in the windy chill that wants to bite at our skin, taking in the glory of winter covered forest vistas.

On Our Way Home
October 23rd 2012


Monday October 22nd 2012, 11:26 pm

We are overly groggy and desperately pumping coffee into our eager bodies. Blustery gusts pushing us around as we head north into the Nevada desert. As we rise into the hills, the road tightly twists with greens shifting into shimmery golds and pastel yellows, then shifting again into flurries and white snowbanks before coming to rest for the night near a mountain lake. Now we have concerns that we just may get snowed in.

Sleepy Breezy Wintery
October 22nd 2012


Monday October 22nd 2012, 1:36 am

Sunday is over, and we’re now alone feeling sad and joyful at the same time. Sad because we had to say goodbye to everyone. Joyful because we felt so deeply the love everyone shared with us, it humbles us. This has been such an overwhelming experience, it literally is impossible to put into proper words just how we feel, actually there ARE no words. Its rare times like these that human language is utterly limited. I know I said this the other day, but I must reiterate just how truly incredible our friends are, they took us into their care with such tenderness and thoughtfulness it brought tears to our eyes and choked our throats with swelled emotions. We are blessed.

October 21st 2012


Saturday October 20th 2012, 9:59 am

GOOD coffee in place, no more sludge lake bottom stuff like yesterday. Light omelets, juice, toast and peanut butter. And so we’re machined up, pressures checked, bolts tightened, at the starting line and ready for the race. Now its all about the thrill and the love and the joy.

Wendy And I’s Big Day
October 20th 2012


Friday October 19th 2012, 10:31 pm

Whirlwinds of busy busy, trying to maintain high powered energy demands while not overloading our brains into a scattered mess. Chaos day! Filled with horrifying coffee sludge, unexpected stresses from suit disasters impossible to recover from (completely unrelated to the coffee grossness). Fortunately I had the foresight to bring my other very snazzy black and red suit, saving the event. Its been a rough two days making sure things are taken care, dealing with mix ups or coordinators who just don’t listen. But in the end its balancing out. Its all going to be grand, as we’re already feeling the massive love from all those who are here for us.

We Are Blessed With The Most Awesome Friends
October 19th 2012


Friday October 19th 2012, 3:04 am

Vegas 3am, a hot night in more ways than one, smashing wardrobe, just smashed. Blasting and bellowing Bohemian Rhapsody at Dino’s karaoke bar, then destroying Under Pressure. A pitch perfect time with our friends.

Don’t Need Anything Else
October 18th 2012