

Saturday June 22nd 2013, 5:47 pm

For those who don’t know yet, but I’ve talked about this before, I’m doing artwork for the upcoming Blondie album release Ghosts Of Download (Wendy and I were stoked to have helped with a name for the upcoming album, just absolutely thrilling). Working with them has been a tremendous experience for me, and real personal dream come true moment. Which I’m excited about beyond any mortal words. And just this week, the first teaser single of the new songs by them was released to be heard. It’s called A Rose By Any Name. I’ve done artwork for this as well. Below are the front and back design images for it. I hope you enjoy them. We’re trying to bring something different. This is only a taste of the new music by Blondie. And only taste of the visuals being created by me for this release.

The new music is fun, dance and electro oriented, and I love that it sounds a bit unexpected compared to the previous couple releases. But that is what I’ve always loved the most about Blondie, is that they never do the expected. That they keep themselves creatively open to whatever musical inspirations strike them, regardless of popular trends. That plays a big part in what makes them one of the greatest bands in the world.

(One of the fun aspects of lettering for the band name on this art, is that it reminds me of play buttons on a stereo or something)

Blondie Site
Blondie Facebook

Front cover to the single
Blondie-single-front-clr-PRINT copy
Back cover to the single
Blondie-single-back-clr-PRINT copy
Possible CD Label
Blondie -Rose Single CD label

Batwoman 21… is…

Tuesday June 18th 2013, 6:40 pm

All about Monsters. This was one of the funnest issues for Haden and I to write. Our focus for the issue being what happened to Killer Croc after becoming the The Hydra of myth in the World’s Finest arc, and having his ass handed to him by Wonder Woman during the Medusa war, while Batwoman was facing off against Medusa herself. We also get to have a special guest artist this month Francesco Francavilla. If you’re not familiar with his works, he’s known for some amazing covers all over the place, did some Batman stuff before the New 52, and more recently his own creation The Black Beetle. His work was a great fit for this weird off kilter story in Batwoman 21. The story and all that has been happening to Croc in the pages of Batwoman ever since bringing him into the fold was going to lead into a much bigger storyline later. And there are hints of what was coming ever since To Drown The World. But all that has been quelled and this cool weird little tale about where Croc was headed in our eyes based on all of the little teases we’ve written will be the last of it, unless the powers-that-be change their minds. Regardless, the issue is an entertaining one, hope you enjoy it.

I wanted the cover to feel very streamlined, almost simple in presentation to sort of reflect the directness of the story for this issue. Here it is in stages…

Rough for editorial approval
Black and white version
Batwoman21-cover-black and white
Color by me
And logo placement
Batwoman #21 cover logo