
What name is it again?

Saturday April 20th 2013, 2:33 pm

Arrgh and hell! Apparently somewhere along the way we, the Batwoman team, goofed up the spelling of Jacob’s wife name. We’re not sure how it slipped by the last two issues, but it is a “duh, what were we thinking” moment. So yes, her name is Catherine with a C, not what got printed, Katherine with K isn’t right. The odd thing is that this literally slipped passed everyone. But you can expect the next issues to be correct, and the published 18 and 19 will be corrected for the collected editions ;^)

The joy of typos.

Batwoman 19 Out Now!

Tuesday April 16th 2013, 7:43 pm

And here is the Mad variant cover, and the fold out cover by Trevor McCarthy. I return to cover duties next issue.
Batwoman 19- Mad cover
Batwoman 19 cover clr-logomock