
Micronauts! IDW! Cover 2…

Monday March 28th 2016, 12:45 pm

I’m having fun doing these. Here is the cover to number 2, with and without logo treatment. Already posted cover 3, and will post cover 4 soon.
Micronauts 2 cover clr-logo
Micronauts 2 cover-clr

Sandman Overture 4 Art Last Shameless Plug

Friday March 25th 2016, 1:35 pm

The select pieces for the issue will be up tomorrow March 26th at noon PST. This one is nicely strange…
Sandman 4 pg 18 and 19

Sandman Overture 4 Art

Thursday March 24th 2016, 12:29 pm

A shameless plug for Sandman Overture 4 art being available this Saturday March 26th at noon PST. Here is one of the select pieces that will be up…
Sandman 4 pg 10 and 11

Sandman Overture 4 Art This Saturday

Wednesday March 23rd 2016, 1:07 pm

Saturday, March 26th at noon PST we’ll be putting up select pieces from Sandman Overture 4. This piece features the first ever appearance of Morpheus’s father, Father Time.
Sandman 4 pg 2 and 3


Friday March 04th 2016, 11:41 am

Here is another of the Micronauts covers I’m doing for the nice folks at IDW. This will be issue 3. The cover to issue 2 will appear later, did things out of order…
Micronauts 3 cover clr-LOGO A