
Sandman Overture 3 art Tomorrow… depending when you’re looking at this.

Friday February 26th 2016, 11:33 am

Sandman Overture 3 art: available Saturday, February 27th, noon PST in the store
Sandman 3 pg 22 and 23

Sandman Overture 3 Original Art is coming SOON! … finally

Monday February 08th 2016, 10:16 pm

It’s been a short while since the last round of pages went up. Our lives dissolved into chaos as we prepared to move house (move a life) to entirely another state. An exhaustive task is an understatement. But now we’re settling in, getting back to the drawing table, and ready to set the date for Sandman Overture pages round 3 being made available.

The date to put on your calendars, phone notifications, and alarms will be Saturday, February 27th, at noon PST.

And for your enticement… I remember spending forever on the cosmic bits. But what I find entertaining on this spread is the use of so many different styles to sell the idea of the different worlds. I love getting that kind of thing going…
Sandman 3 pg 2 and 3