
Out this week!

Wednesday January 23rd 2013, 12:09 am

Batwoman 16 hits all finer comics shops now.

Here is the cover in process stages…

Editorial approval sketch…
Batwoman 16 cover rough
Black and white rendered version…
Batwoman16-cover-black and white
My color version. Here, whence I saw it in color I felt the the noseless Medusa didn’t really work in this version. So I digitally painted one in very subtly as to not interfere with over effect…
My logo placement version. The print version of this has another one of those annoying Arrow TV show banners across the top. But here you can see it as it its meant to be seen…

Out now!

Wednesday January 09th 2013, 11:36 pm

Batwoman Volume Two of the ongoing series is now available in hardcover at all finer comic shops and bookstores. The cover image below has one difference from the printed version, on the print version the logo is transparent allowing the art to show through…
Batwoman Volume 2- To Drown The World