

Sunday September 30th 2012, 1:37 am

Menageries of mind melding synthesis cohesion that spurs on creation. Feeling somewhat like lets make the puppets sing and dance, lined up in a row like in a shooting gallery, while at the same time feeding from the exchange of warm endearing energies of the ebb and flow thoughtful people. The movement was something astoundingly cool, unlike anything prior that uses the term “convention”. A swishing of time into the pumping night scene. Blaring spinning nostalgic records that somehow manage to have now transcended trends sits as the backdrop to a brief conversation about the glories of The Micronauts. Standing decked out in sharp tailored red and black, shoes that in one form of light are sleek black, while in another morph into burnt red, as if they themselves can slip in and out of dual realities. Wendy stunningly in black, white, with accents of crimson, so full of life mixing into shadows of club atmosphere. I find myself pulled by unfamiliar hands into circles of crowds happily dancing, smiles bright with joy. The cap is a strangers cheek spontaneously rubbing into my face, while they state their love for my beard.

September 29th 20


Saturday September 29th 2012, 12:52 am

Wait, haven’t I heard this somewhere before? Somewhere in the cobwebbed recesses of my mind, memories called up from a decade ago sent forward through time and space to the here and now, to this very night? Drones and whistles and pulses through a staged neon glow as soundtrack to choreographed verbal judgement on something not truly understood, speeding down a metaphorical late night desert highway by a single idiosyncratic mind knuckle-gripping tightly to the steering wheel. Is that a hint of pretension I hear? Wait, I have heard this before. By a bushy haired bearded man, with crazy crystal blue eyes that always seem to twinkle, knowing the joke has already been had. And now we’re on repeat with someone else.

The Party Is Over And The Smarter Chap Has Long Left The Building
September 28th 2012


Friday September 28th 2012, 1:24 am

A silky punchy red sheen, and catching the light in a slightly illuminated way, iridescent. It feels luxurious as it glides smoothly between eager fingers enhancing it’s simplistic sharp opulence. Deep black emblazoned upon it revealing in an archaic old world style of illustration two identical naked women, symbolically representing the ideal of Lust. Numerously attempting to wrap it and tuck it somewhat nervously to find its perfect length. Its been so long since having donned this type of attire that I’ve quite forgotten how to do it up just right. And humorously it takes twenty minutes and two people to find fulfillment in a properly formed knot.

My Special New Tie
September 27th 2012


Wednesday September 26th 2012, 9:55 pm

It never fails these days, whenever we have to hit the road something business oriented hits us first, something that can’t be ignored usually. So the hours before walking out the door get my stress up, trying to resolve whatever the problem may be. But with today, the situation can’t be fixed so easily, so as we make our leisurely drive down highway 99 the problem floats around in my head, loosely keeping me from taking in the atmosphere of the road. Sipping a giant mocha iced coffee, attempting keep my wits sharp and the heat away while avoiding lethal diesel freight trucks that barrel down the highway barely sticking to their own lanes like enormous mechanized demons of ill intent. Yes, we all risk our lives every time we get a in a car, but like to fool ourselves that self control will get us by. Once we make Barstow off the 15, take a break for golden crisp fries and an ice cold bottle of Coke, the good stuff bottled outside the U.S., I take a moment to answer some more emails regarding what needs attention, it eases my mind a little. Now, heading full into the desert, the orange yellow warm afternoon sun at our backs, I can meld more into the surroundings. Manitoba spinning some garagey gems, Foxboro Hot Tubs sits perfectly before moving to classic Rolling Stones as a brief soundtrack for the darkening dusk of a rich blue sky, passing little sparse towns with outlying old houses, some partially burnt out and long forgotten. The rest of the problem will have to wait now, until returning to the office.

Is It All Set Now?
September 26th 2012


Tuesday September 25th 2012, 6:33 pm

Prepping for travel is always such a daunting thing, and I’m sure many can relate to that sense of frazzled slipping of mind that occurs while needing to gear up for battle with the inevitable new sights and sounds. We’re about to leave for Morrison Con, conventions are trickiest for me as I always have a dual sense of anticipation and trepidation. And it always seems to be harder to keep my mind clear enough when doing this activity half tired from work. Lugging out the travel bags from the deep shady recesses of the walk in closet always gets the cats overly curious, and they know full well what they mean, that we’ll be out of the house for a while and they get to deal with the house-sitter. They really don’t like it and get a bit edgy, wanting to get in the middle of everything. Thats the part we hate the most, is knowing we’re leaving them alone, they get separation anxiety, so we feel like we’re being bad parents when we have to go. Rummaging through the office getting portfolios in order, which can be surprisingly tedious, but I tend to get caught up going into analyzation mode while shifting art around, sadly I get lost for a bit. Loading drawing tools, paper, pencil sharpener, all neatly enough into a travel work case. Sorting and packing, making choices of clothes to bring, never want to be unsatisfied with wardrobe when traveling, but at the same time it needs to be easy. And I always feel like I’m forgetting something, triple checking every pocket for the essentials, mustn’t forget the underwear, that would be bad. But I hate that feeling that I’m going to forget something, something important, I’ve done that before. One time I forgot plane tickets to catch a flight in another city, had to turn around after forty-five minutes when it dawned on my forgetful little brain, I wasn’t popular that day. We’ve also left the garage door open, having to call a friend to close it for us, ridiculous. It’d be funny if it didn’t make us a bit paranoid. The goods stand ready by the door making that symbolic statement of imminent adventure now that I’ve managed to squeeze out a paragraph about packing. I’m sure your day just wouldn’t be complete without it.

Prep And Load
September 25th 2012


Monday September 24th 2012, 11:26 pm

A so it begins and ends, another late night of too much to do and so not enough time. Another blog to write, this very one, with nothing really of interest in mind. Sort of a blank moment as nothing has changed, the day was much like yesterday. And thats it really. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something cool and fantastical to write about, we’ll see…

Same-O, Same-O
September 24th 2012


Sunday September 23rd 2012, 9:42 pm

Now overstretched and a bit of a wretch
Pinned down with much too much to ignore
Need to stay sound as preparing for whats in store

Shouldn’t have permitted to become so overcommitted
Permit me to commit me, while I show my insanity

Time unravels work
Travels upcoming with no real perk
Only doing it for a friend
So wanting to abort, but that would rend
Support is what I send
But deep within more honest thoughts firmly stuck on imagined paraffin
I cannot wait for it all to end

I tire of stoking the waning fire
But must catch those remaining embers
To hide away, a future spark to remember
To permit me not to commit me, to save my sanity

September 23rd 2012


Saturday September 22nd 2012, 8:01 pm

Ecch, just ecch and not much else more. Feeling terribly discouraged about work in progress today. Sort of in a depressed mood about it. I decided to shut off for a bit, do something altogether uncreative minded this day. Clean! Rubbing and scrubbing, wiping away smooth surfaces of their wrongful dusty layers and knocking down cobwebs that have threatened to take over the far corners of the house, working up a good sweat this warm afternoon doing so. Pushing the upright vacuum and pitching the hose under bookcases, ferreting out little multi-legged scurrying things that have attempted to roost. Little did they know disaster was imminent merely because one person’s off kilter day. Every now then this kinda of activity pumps the blood into new places of body and mind, clearing out the grime literally and metaphorically, illuminating through tiredness and mundane tedium the tidbits of flaws that live within the cracks and crannies. They don’t really go away, but sprucing them up, accepting their existence can have a cathartic aspect. So hopefully this will set me straight for tomorrow and I can get back to feeling proper about other tasks to be done.

Shifting The Dirt Around
September 22nd 2012


Friday September 21st 2012, 9:15 pm

Fussy isn’t a word I ever used to describe myself, well I guess that would depend on what the subject might be, or who you talk to. I’ve never been one for being fashion conscious, or wanting or looking for the perfect clothes, although I’ve always been aware of what in general looked good on me. I’d wear shorts in the dead of winter in public. Most occasions a t-shirt and jeans was fine, and still is for the most part, for a while though I did have a thing with unusual western style shirts, still kinda do, just don’t wear them as often. But I was always frustrated never being able to have jeans that I didn’t have to roll up to cuff the leg ends, big problem with being too damn short. I did feel that this could look clunky depending on the situation. This one thing alone probably kept me away from spending money on nicer clothes. I’ve never been one to go for suits and ties, and in most cases when I had to wear them I always felt uncomfortable. But lately I’ve come to realize some of that had to do with attitude and the types of fabrics involved and just how well something fit. Interestingly, over the past year I’ve become much more conscientious over wardrobe, maybe it has something to do with aging and feeling like I’ve come more into my own. Now I’m discovering custom suit making, never thought I’d be so caught up in this idea. Now I’m going to alterations places to hem up jeans that are too long. Feeling better about wearing nicer stuff. This week has been about that a bit. Getting my first custom suit this next week in time for public appearances. For some reason I’ve become much more self conscious about things, maybe vanity is setting in, trying to compensate for getting a little older, don’t know. Or maybe I’m feeling that my personality has matured in a way that requires an occasionally more sophisticated sensibility. Or maybe its the exposure I’ve had to good friend self style guru James Sime proprietor of Isotope Comics Lounge in San Francisco, who wears an amazing suit every day, even to the beach! As matter of fact, when Wendy and I started planning our twentieth anniversary re-marriage wedding event for next month, it was Mister Sime who suggested getting a custom made tux, which in turn lead me to wanting another customized suit, all by Artful Gentleman out of SF. When going through the process of picking fabrics and colors I was quite surprised at myself, at how much I enjoyed it all, never thought I’d have such an opinion on this sort of thing. It could easily become an obsession of style. So I guess I’d have to say, that yeah, I’m a little bit fussy now, but thats okay, it suits me.

Tailoring My Persona
September 21st 2012


Thursday September 20th 2012, 8:27 pm

Those jet black coiling snakes hiss into my mind, as they twist and curve along the page to form the very borders of everything else. Defining a more insidious reality, becoming stronger as the battle over the dark heart of the world takes center stage. Death comes as stone from flesh. But at the moment, its still only a rough impression of this, as I’m now living with this new concept for two days already and the basic line work is yet to be completed. Looks like another spread that will take four days or more to see the final black and white results.

Circles And Serpents
September 20th 2012


Wednesday September 19th 2012, 8:12 pm

A late start today. A change in routine is called for. Salty, savory, meaty, without being overwhelming, rolled into the soft delicate texture of homemade corn tortillas. Topped with flecks of cilantro and crunchy white onions. The robust shredded beef is perfectly tender. Then sparked by a touch of fresh squeezed lime to top off the ingredients collaboration, giving that slightly exotic aspect. There is something exquisite about this very simple mix of flavors, a least to me. The tastes impact my senses and wake me up. Invigorating the atmosphere and my attitude to properly tackle the day’s drawing tasks of a circular design set against coiling black serpents.

Tacos For Breakfast
September 19th 2012

Out Now!

Wednesday September 19th 2012, 1:29 am

The new Batwoman 0 hits the shelves this week. This one is an interlude into the current story arc, while still giving us previously unknown details and expansions of some of Kate’s past, especially some of her training. What is equally exciting to us is this also is very much about Jacob Kane, Kate’s father, and their relationship. It gives some insight into who Jacob is a bit more, while alluding to just how a military minded man, which is normally about unity acting in a team capacity, was in a mindset to support his daughter going it alone as a vigilante. And it teases some hints about some things and ideas to come.

Stylistically the issue was an interesting challenge, adopting a different art style for large portions of the story and a more simplistic design approach by removing the idea and use of any double page spreads, which Batwoman is notorious for, results as the perfect choice for the type of story being told. This combined with a continuation from issue 12 in the use of heavier prose like captions makes for an issue of Batwoman unlike any that have come before it.

Here is the basic art, color, and text design by me that was implemented by DC for their 0 issue initiative cover design template.

Batwoman 15 solicits!

Tuesday September 18th 2012, 9:59 pm

The info on Batwoman 15 is slightly wrong. It lists Trevor McCarthy as artist, but fails to mention that I’m doing art on it as well, end cap pages. The story details in the solicit are also incorrect, while still an essential part of the current arc, the story shifts focus onto Maggie Sawyer and how she is dealing with everything, a pretty cool chapter, and gives us more about who she is. This is part of a planned interlude chapter into the main story. All will make sense when you read it.


Tuesday September 18th 2012, 9:52 pm

Whats that saying about “best laid plans”? Fretting over the balance compositionally of black and white, thinking about where to place dialogue and captions strategically without losing the integrity of that very fine balance. I found myself staring at the two page spread trying to solve the vague puzzle of it in my head. Attempting to make decisions without really knowing what the final product will look like when all of the pieces are in place doesn’t bode well for peace of mind. I finally got these two pages done much after when I needed to. Only after an awkward day all around as touch ups didn’t get done quickly because of analyzation of the piece’s balance had me taken aback. I easily spent a good half hour in internal brow furrowing debate, tapping my foot fervently. Having settled on an action, I do hope its now solved satisfactorily, I won’t know for sure until I can’t really do anything about it anymore. There is a certain kind of frustration this brings, I don’t like that feeling of uncertainty. But then its on to the next pages, the next set of problems to solve, or hopefully to do so, and hopefully with much less mood altering scenarios. Stop, breathe, and think. The day ended perfectly as hearing from a friend changed my mood greatly into something less prickly, hearing his giddiness come through the phone so bombastically full of happy energy, how could it not change my vibe. And in part I felt I contributed in some small way, slightly facilitating his experience that he now recounted to me so enthusiastically. I managed to connect him with Chris Stein of Blondie at a show recently, Chris is such a cool generous guy, and so he got to have a very personal one on one experience with Chris and Debbie Harry for about forty minutes on their tour bus. It really made his week beyond any real measure, as they’re his favorite band, and getting that kind of experience is certainly a rare thing for many people. Such a pleasure to hear his voice loaded with blissful reminiscing of the night. It really made my day hear his smile.

At The Edge Of Happy
September 18th 2012


Monday September 17th 2012, 9:00 pm

Monstrously it teases me, another nine hours spent diligently toiling way. This is now day four’s end, the day is done, having paused only for a writing phone session and a single business call to take me away from my task. Yes, the day is done, and yet, the page is not. Fine tuning details across the spread are still unfinished. Only a little more to go, but I’m quite tired now, will have to wrap it up in the morning. Living with it like this, I hope doesn’t mean it will disturb my dreams.

The Art Is Long
September 17th 2012


Sunday September 16th 2012, 7:26 pm

Been working at this spread for three days now, still another day on it for certain, but my brain is melting away. Hand is fatigued from the line and brush work. Every so often an illustration will just knock me out, exhausting thought processes, like a hard drive that can’t keep up with the memory output. Everything hazes and becomes low res to the point of flatlining.

I Need A Reboot Please
September 16th 2012


Saturday September 15th 2012, 8:57 pm

Neatly tightly packed into a relatively small round ruffled paper. Enticingly rising up over the edge sits a luscious mound of delightful goodness, its deep thick but squishy darkness beckons. Moist at it’s center, teasing the tongue with mouth watering rich robustness and earthy sweet, it delicately crumbles slightly around it’s outer layer, but even those tidbits are too scrumptious to leave behind. All too quickly devoured, eager for another, but best left for another treat tomorrow.

Mmmm…Chocolate Muffin
September 15th 2012

Batwoman 12 Pages Available

Saturday September 15th 2012, 8:41 pm

We’re finally putting up pages for Batwoman 12 into the store. They will be available as of noon pacific Saturday September 22nd. Now for your enticement…


Friday September 14th 2012, 8:16 pm

Argh! is what I say today, well… really something much less pleasant. Struggling with the damn tremor, while trying to illustrate small things. Which leads to serious hand fatigue, that in turn makes the damn tremor worse, and so I have to fight it even further, turning into nothing but a vicious circle of aggravation. I feel like I’m in a war with my own body and losing to stiffness and pain. It causes me to have to do things very slowly, makes me agitated, as I have to get this stuff done and quickly running out of time. Its really a problem that I deal with pretty much everyday, but some days are worse than others. And some days, like today, my temper flares way up from lack of patience and I catch myself cussing loudly to the paper and pens, emotionally overheated, developing a piss-poor attitude.

Losing My Cool
September 14th 2012


Thursday September 13th 2012, 9:03 pm

Beastly, roaring with a voice made of gravel, the scaly hide thick and armored for war, too tough like cracked granite. A heap of muscle and ferociousness, a toothy maw like a steel trap lined with blades. The tail whipping around crushing bones, rending flesh. What could be called a brow holding ten piercing eyes of cold deathly stares, primitive and devoid of any connection to humanity.

Drawing The Mutated Killer Croc
September 13th 2012


Wednesday September 12th 2012, 11:38 pm

Each overly warm summer sees a thriving, stretching outward, in bundles of thin long fervent greens with tiny palest pastel blue bursts popping from each tip. Pushing in all directions boldly, like shooting firework stars of organic brightness. Wildly it demands more attention, attempting to dominate and strangle out its rooted companions. It seems to do so willfully, antagonistically, as if it wishes to be purposefully unfriendly while showing off its simple beauty, taking over territory, commanding presence. I have no idea what it is exactly, but I do find it to be attractively adorning the corner of the yard near our entrance, but it frustrates as well because of its blatant disregard for its neighbors, forcing us to yank its choking wrapping tendrils out from the branches of the other plants on a regular basis. When thinking about plants, one generally thinks of tranquility and docility in the idea of them, not of some possibly having a hostility to its surrounding living brethren.

The Attitudes Of Foliage
September 12th 2012


Tuesday September 11th 2012, 9:04 pm

Rustling faintly through my sound memories is the dreaming of songs blasting off amps to pump our blood with adrenaline. But that is only trickles now, fading into cherished thoughts. The energy was so high last night that it was intoxicating, not being able hit the sheets until 5am. So today, while working on new script material, I’m only ebbing.

A Come Down
September 11th 2012


Tuesday September 11th 2012, 3:55 am

Hustling to get out the door, facing down wandering highway traffic amid one numerous road construction site after another, Wendy and I biting our tongues to keep from spouting too many profanities at the other idiots whizzing along besides ourselves, dare I say added to the excitement of knowing what this evening brought. And annoyingly certain hours heading into San Francisco are usually fraught with perilous driving adventure and tensions. But when we see that familiar beckoning Bay Bridge looming ahead we know that we’re almost to a place of good times. All set to meet up with friends, James Sime, Kirsten Baldock, and Victor Scaggs, other notoriously affectionately called, like myself, Debheads. But the term really means enormous Blondie fan. After a quick grab of some food, we head to over to the Warfield and get in the will call line, for those who might not know what that refers to, its for invited guests of the band. The show was a total roar, booming beats, sharp guitars, brilliant lighting, and that oh so exquisite Debbie Harry voice. A blur of overcrowded floors, stuffy hot air, a few roughshod pit mongers having to get thrown out, moving along to the soundtrack of a thrumming elevation. After the lights sadly came back up, we got the luxury of hanging with the band for about 30 minutes or so. A highlight was signing a copy of Batwoman: Hydrology to guiatrist/song writer Chris Stein upon his request. And whirlwind conversations about art and music, loose vague notions of ideas for the package art I’m set to do for them down the road for the next release, getting to meet the producer, and talking with Debbie for about 10 minutes kinda put our day way over the top. With the reveal of my art for The Sword album taking place today as well, its really an amazing convergence of time and space for my love of music. Now back home at 3:30am coming down of what I can only say is…

A Blondie High
September 10th 2012

The Sword Descends

Monday September 10th 2012, 7:00 am

We can finally reveal the art images for The Sword: Apocryphon album. First up is the main front cover. Below that is the official press release. Below that will be images of everything else, I’ve decided to show as much as I can, including some images of the merch that is available, all featuring some aspect of my designs. So a lot to sort through.

Front Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Press Release.


Pre-Order Begins Today With Multiple Packages Available at

On October 22nd, The Sword will release their fourth album, Apocryphon. Being huge fans of comic book art, the band was thrilled to have award winning author, illustrator, and designer J.H. Williams III (DC Comics Batwoman, Batman, Promethea) design the entire album package.

Apocryphon is a 10 track album featuring the following songs:
• Veil of Isis
• Cloak of Feathers
• Arcane Montane
• The Hidden Masters
• Dying Earth
• Execrator
• Seven Sisters
• Hawks and Serpents
• Eyes Of the Stormwitch
• Apocryphon

The album will be released on multiple formats including CD, Deluxe Digipak, Digital, Picture Disc Vinyl, Colored Vinyl and Cassette. Apocryphon is available starting today for pre-order in the following packages at
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
Ultimate (Limited to 200)
• CD, picture disc vinyl, digital download, autographed 18×24 lithograph, both shirts, cassette

For all information on The Sword, go to:!/theswordofdoom!/thesword

Kerri Brusca Razor & Tie Media Relations 
(212) 598-2255
Label Roster Artwork and Press Materials for Download:

Back Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Inner Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Vinyl in-sleeve, and CD package art.

Vinyl and CD labels, note the red line marks are for production purposes only.

CD booklet back and front cover.

Interior images for the CD booklet.

Now onto some of the merch items. These will be available through the Sword site, not my store. Go to

But here are some images of what you’ll find. But as stated in the press release the other variation of items besides what I’m showing below that will be available.

Collector’s bundle: T-shirt, Glow in the dark Vinyl, digipak CD, Triptych poster (this will have an invisible ink aspect that reveals under black light), Record player turntable slipmat.

Here is an example of the poster’s reveal under black light effect.

Limited Edition Picture Disc Vinyl front and back. Note the blue and pink lines are for production purposes only, and not part of the design.
Picture Disc

Better view of the T-shirt

Better view of the Vinyl

Better view of the CD digipak
CD digipak

Turntable Slipmat for record players

Well, thats it for now, an awful lot to take in really. I’ll get pictures up for other items as soon as I can.

Also from what I’ve been told there will be use of my art designs on the tour as well. I think a stage backdrop, and hopefully other shirt designs, and who knows what other little surprises.


Monday September 10th 2012, 2:32 am

Slippage of thoughtfulness, of mind’s clarity into evaporation. Drifting away along the soft night currents of our home’s atmosphere, with the faintly played audio lushness of Legba & Sons floating through like a delicate smoke. Only now, much late into wee hours of the morning do I realize that something is missing. How is it possible to let something go that has been my daily routine every day since the beginning of the year?

This Forgotten Blog
September 9th 2012