

Tuesday March 30th 2010, 8:02 pm

Finally have a breath for a moment to update the blog. The Emerald city show in Seattle was an amazing show. It was non-stop action and a very large show. It seemed to me to be about the size of Wondercon in San Fransisco but almost ALL COMICS! What a breath of fresh air to attend a large show and have the focus be completely comics. There needs to be more shows like this. It also seemed to me that the fans were just as excited over this, proof that comic conventions don’t need to feel the need to bring in this array of stuff that really shouldn’t be at a comic convention in the first place. It was a lot of fun, Jim and George Demonakos did a brilliant job.

The Comicpalooza show in Houston was nice too. Quite a bit smaller but the people we met there were so nice and happy to see us. This show is only in it’s 3rd year and from what I understand was VERY tiny to begin with. But really this was their first year trying to do something of stature. With the right efforts this show could be one of the bigger shows in the south. Wendy and I got to meet some very lovely people, hang with friends Ryan and Liz who live in the area. We hopefully made some long time new friends too, Ben Templesmith, David Mack, Jim Mahfood, Andy Kuhn, Ethan Van Sciver. We also got to see our longtime friend Paul Benajmin. We were also very fortunate to have met Bernie Wrightson and his lovely wife, Liz. They were the sweetest couple and we enjoyed the long late night conversations we had them, and now feel glad and lucky that we can call them our friends as well. It was a real thrill to meet someone as legendary as Mister Wrightson. Never thought I would have the chance to meet him let alone become friends with him and his wife. I managed to get a page from his new project called The Ghoul. That will go up in my office as soon as it’s framed. I seem to be slowly acquiring a small original art page collection. I never intended to get into that side of collecting but seem to have sort of just fallen into it anyway.

Here is a new link to a brief interview I recently did here.

Next week we leave for Boston for another show, so if any of you are in the area please come and see us.

Below is the next cover in stages…

Black and white with greytones
Color of the inset image by me
Adding the design in color by me
and finally the logo and text treatment by me

New York City…

Friday March 05th 2010, 11:57 am

Wendy and I just got back from our trip to New York. It was an amazing time for us because it was our first time visiting there. We completely fell in love with it, the atmosphere and energy of the place, and the people. Everywhere we went in the city the people were so nice. We got to check out the DC offices for a day and meet a lot of people that we only usually speak with on the phone or email. Had some meetings with my editor Mike Siglain and Dan Didio about future possibilities.

We spent some of the time doing the tourist thing but for the most part we just walked around everywhere and took it all in, to get the feel of the place. Central park with the snow still fresh on the ground was stunningly beautiful next to the city skyline. Lot’s of amazing food too. Just a wonderful trip. There was so much to see with such little time that we clearly only scraped the surface of what the city is about.

The convention went well and was a lot of fun, met lots of wonderful fans and did a few drawings that turned out okay. Had dinner with Ivan Brandon, his fiancee Christine (I hope I got that right), Andy Macdonald, Cliff Chiang, and couple of other folks that unfortunately I don’t think I got their names (my bad).

The signing for Forbidden Planet was great and pretty busy with such short notice for us to be there. Thanks to Jeff Ayers and the staff. Everyone there was so nice, it was a real pleasure. I would love to come back and do it again sometime.

Below is the cover I did for issue 862 of Detective Comics, which features the second part of the arc by Greg Rucka and Jock. I hope you like it…

Black and white with greytones
Colors by me
Logo and text placement by me